Sunday, December 28, 2008

Lesson 5 - Oasis Wonderwall

I have decided to teach everyone how to play Wonderwall by Oasis. I got a request for an Oasis song on YouTube and chose this one because all the chords take place on either the 2nd or 3rd fret. If you need help playing the G chord or Em chord please check out my other videos! 

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Swing Life Away

In this video I am going to play the song: Swing life away by Rise Against. It incorporates the Em, G, C add 9 and D chords. Check out my previous videos if you want to learn how to play these chords. Good luck and keep playing!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Lesson 3 - G chord & C add 9 chord

In this video you will learn how to play the G and C add 9 Chords. You need to know how to play these in order to be able to play tons of popular songs. Once you've got the finger pattern down, it is quite easy to make the transition from one to the other. Make sure you are comfortable switching between E minor, G, C add 9 and D before you watch the next video!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Lesson 2 - D Chord

In this lesson we will be learning how to play the D chord. This chord is slightly harder to play than Em or A due to the finger formation. Once you've got the hang of it, try switching back-in-forth from one chord to the next. 

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Lesson 1 - A chord and Em Chord

Today we are going to learn how to play two chords, A and E minor. I always teach people these chords first because they are pretty easy to learn and its not too difficult to switch from one to the other. 

These chords take place on the second fret. Get comfortable playing the E minor chord before you try the A chord. Once you are comfortable transitioning between the two chords you can vary your strumming pattern. 

Try strumming the strings in a downward motion first. This means you will be hitting the string closest to your head first, followed by the next string, until you finish on the string closest to your feet. Then try an upward strum, which is just the opposite. 

Welcome Guitar Enthusiasts!

This site has been designed with the NOVICE in mind.

I have been playing guitar for nearly eight years now. I am not going to lie; it was confusing and frustrating at times, especially because I had nowhere to turn for guidance. It is this reason why I have created DrewsGuitarTunes.

If you are like me, you don't want to spend money on lessons and you want the freedom of choosing which songs to play. I always thought to myself, why spend money when I can research it online and watch videos for free?

In this video I present 5 tips for the BEGINNER. These are things that would have made my life easier had I known them earlier in the process. One good aspect has come from my early struggles: I understand which elements cause the most difficulty.
Watch the latest videos on